A Mother's Mind

A Mother's Mind

Hosted by: Michelle Weeks

Navigating Motherhood, Mindset, and Mental Load. A candid podcast that explores the day-to-day experiences of motherhood, examines how to become aware of and shift your mindset, and provides practical advice for...

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Ep 60 | Switching your brain on again

In this episode, I share insights into transitioning from maternity leave back to work mode. After the birth of my daughter, Ella, I faced the challenge of switching back on my professional mindset while balancing...
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Ep 59 | How to build the skillset of asking for help

In this episode, I chat about the importance of recognising that it’s perfectly ok to seek and accept help from others. I break down the barriers that often prevent you from asking for help, and then get into how to...
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Ep 58 | Prioritising yourself without guilt

This episode is about recognising yourself as the central cog in your family. It’s about the subtle yet profound mindset shift from feeling guilty about self-care, and prioritising yourself to embracing it as...
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Ep 57 | What’s possible for others is possible for you

In this episode, I talk about the idea that what you often see as achievable for others is also attainable for you, despite the doubts and limiting beliefs you may hold. It is a gentle nudge to help you shift that...
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Ep 56 | Thoughts that support me in challenging times

In this episode, I focus on how to shift your mindset during challenging times. I explore how actively engaging your thoughts can significantly impact our emotional experiences and outcomes. You’ll learn: How to use...
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EP 55 | 3 practical mental load tools I appreciate and help me sleep better

In this episode, I outline three practical tools designed to help you manage your mental load. It is to prepare you for those moments when bedtime rolls around and your brain just doesn’t want to clock off.  In this...
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EP 54 | How to make it less hard

In this episode, I want to explore a different perspective on motherhood. Honestly, I have been hesitant to talk about this topic as it feels very controversial and goes against societal norms - but this conversation...
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EP 53 | How to stop questioning whether you are enough

In this episode, I talk about feeling inadequate and not doing enough as a mother. This episode will help you decide that you are enough which will create a shift in your mindset and how you show up in your days. In...
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Ep 52 | How you feel matters

It may sound so simple, but feeling your feelings can be a difficult experience for many. Acknowledging and processing emotions allows you to deal with life’s ups and downs with more clarity and resilience. In this...
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EP 51 | How to know your mental load is heavy

In this episode, I talk about recognising the mental load and how we tend to normalise where we are in our life just to get through. In this episode, you’ll learn How to navigate and manage your mental load The...
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Ep 50 | How to give yourself the credit you deserve

In this episode, I want to remind you that you inherently deserve appreciation, gratitude, and credit in your life, urging you to embrace these unapologetically. In this episode, you’ll learn How to remind yourself...
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Ep 49 | How you are overlooking making your life easier

In this episode, I dive into how challenging your daily norms can bring about impactful changes in our lives. It's about questioning the routines you have, without a second thought, and discovering better ways to...
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