A Mother's Mind

A Mother's Mind

Hosted by: Michelle Weeks

Navigating Motherhood, Mindset, and Mental Load. A candid podcast that explores the day-to-day experiences of motherhood, examines how to become aware of and shift your mindset, and provides practical advice for...

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Ep 14 | The Ripple Effect

Have you ever thought about what kind of ripple effect are you currently having? Or what kind of ripple effect do you want to have? In this episode, I discuss the idea of mothers being the central cog of the family....
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Ep 13 | How to confidently communicate your feelings

In this episode, I dive into the magical world of communication and how it can be a powerful tool to lighten your mental load and share the workload in motherhood.   For years, I believed that communication was...
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Ep 12 | 5 thoughts stopping you from getting support with your mental load

In this episode, I explore the 5 common thought patterns holding you back from getting help, and how to shift them. I understand how challenging it can be to navigate the demands of work, family, and daily life while...
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Ep 11 | Loving your life amidst uncertainty

We are living in uncertain times, and it can be hard to stay positive when faced with so much change. You may feel overwhelmed by the unknown, anxious about what lies ahead, and unsure of how to keep your spirits up...
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Ep 10 | 5 signs you need support with your mental load

This week on A Mother's Mind, I discuss five tell-tale signs that you may need support with your mental load. By learning to recognise these signs, you can take steps towards giving yourself the care and support that...
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Ep 9 | The power of a full stop.

Get ready to be empowered! This episode is about the power of trusting yourself, setting boundaries, and making your own decisions. In this episode, you will learn:  How self-trust can play out in our lives and why...
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Ep 8 | Finding the fun in creating a life that you love

This episode is all about enjoying motherhood with ease and finding the fun in creating the life that you love.  It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and stressors of motherhood, leaving little time or...
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Ep 7 | What I had to let go of in order to truly lighten my mental load

Are you a mum struggling to balance work and family responsibilities? Do you feel like you're constantly being pulled in different directions without enough support or resources?  It can be exhausting just pushing...
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Ep 6 | People-pleasing, vulnerability & resilience

As mums, we often feel the pressure to be everything to everyone. We want to please our partners, our kids, our friends, and even strangers on social media. But this constant need for approval can lead to burnout,...
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Ep 5 | Understanding your mental load

Do you ever feel like there is too much on your plate? As a mother, you are constantly juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities. You are expected to manage home life, parenting duties, work commitments and family...
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Ep 4 | How to simplify your life

If you dream of a simple life, yet the reality of your actual daily life is far from it, this episode is for you! Perfectionist thinking often convinces us that in order for something to be worthy or satisfying, it...
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Ep 3 | Believing you are an asset

Do you want to stop feeling overwhelmed and start taking control of your life? Are you ready to start believing in yourself as an asset and making decisions that will benefit your whole family?As mothers, we often...
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