EP 93 | What offloading is and what offloading isn’t

In this episode, I talk about “offloading”. A practice that redefines your mental load and lets you move from feeling overwhelmed to feeling supported. 

It’s all about creating a lighter, more sustainable mental load by sharing responsibilities in a way that works for you and your family.

If you’re the central planner, organiser, or emotional go-to in your family, you’re likely carrying an enormous mental load.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • What offloading your mental load really means because it’s not about doing it all or being hands-off. 
  • Why offloading is about removing yourself as the default manager of family logistics while staying connected to the process.
  • How to make offloading work long-term
  • Strategies for involving your support team effectively
  • Mindset tips for letting go of perfectionism

If you’re ready to take a step towards lightening your mental load without letting go of what matters to you, tune in to this episode.

Resources for you

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Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERE
Check out my Website HERE
Connect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks