Ep 36 | What we consume and how it impacts our mental load

In this episode, I’m talking all about what we consume and how it impacts our mental load. This is about everything we feed our mind and how it subtly sculpts our day, our feelings, and how we show up. 

From the ever-persistent hum of children's songs, the whirl of the latest news, to social media… have you ever paused to reflect on how these daily consumptions, even in their subtlety, shape our thoughts, emotions, and ultimately, our mental load?

In this episode, you'll learn,

  • How everyday consumptions subtly add to our mental load.
  • What you can do to be more intentional with what you expose your mind to.
  • How our mental consumption impacts our daily actions and interactions.

It's not merely about the information we intake, but how it lodges in our minds, intertwining with our emotions, influencing our actions, and laying bricks onto our mental load.

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