Ep 25 | Doing it your way

In this episode, I’m ripping up the rule book on the ‘shoulds’ of parenting. Because motherhood isn't about ticking boxes, it's about painting your own beautiful, chaotic, and uniquely-you masterpiece.

We live in an era of information overload, and it's never more apparent than in our parenting journeys. From breastfeeding to sleepovers, school choices to technology time, we're bombarded with opinions, advice, and societal expectations.

But what if I told you that you have the power to rewrite the motherhood script according to your values, your circumstances, and your mindset?

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How to build the self-trust to do things differently in your motherhood journey.
  • The importance of defining your non-negotiables and what you're willing to bend on.
  • Why showing up authentically matters and how it feels when you do.
  • The cost of getting lost in the noise of comparison and self-shaming.
  • How to foster a mindset of trust, choosing to seek information only when necessary, and savouring the present.
  • A peek into my personal journey - how choosing to do pregnancy my way made all the difference.

Motherhood isn't about moulding yourself to fit an off-the-shelf model. It's about being true to yourself, honouring your unique journey, and embracing the beautiful messiness of raising tiny humans.

As you tune in, may you find the courage to replace the 'shoulds' with 'coulds'. 


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