Ep 24 | Working through a decision-making process

In this episode, I’m diving into a crucial life skill – decision-making.

Whether you're deciding on your family's dinner or making big life-changing choices like moving countries, decision-making is a part of our everyday lives.

But oh boy, it can be a tough one! Especially when these decisions not only impact us but also our little ones.

Whether you’re deciding which school to send your kids to, contemplating a career change, or figuring out how to juggle all the balls you have in the air, this episode will help you break down the decision-making process and give you actionable strategies to navigate it.

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How journaling can help process your thoughts and make complex decisions more manageable.
  • Why focusing on what you know, rather than what you don't, can stop fear from being the driver of your decisions.
  • How embracing discomfort can help you during times of change and uncertainty.
  • Why seeking help during this process is not only ok but absolutely necessary.

Remember, the most challenging part is often the decision-making process itself. 

If you need somewhere to start this practice and work through your decisions, my Mindset Journal is a perfect place to begin. Check it out HERE.

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