Ep 23 | Inviting in shame and guilt

In this episode of A Mother's Mind, I delve into a topic that resonates with every mum out there: the energy drain of motherhood and the weight of shame and guilt.

Motherhood is a journey that demands both physical and mental energy. It's not just about tackling daily tasks; it's about carrying the emotional loadā€”the shoulds, the guilt, and the shame.

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How the emotional mental load depletes your energy and affects your well-being, with a focus on shame and guilt.
  • Techniques to reclaim your power by working through uncomfortable emotions and reducing their hold over your energy.
  • The transformative impact of expressing and communicating your emotions, and the relief it brings to your mental load.
  • Strategies to recognise where shame and guilt reside within you, and how to move forward with self-compassion and growth.

Join me on this empowering episode to rewrite the narrative of shame and guilt, allowing you to reclaim your energy and find freedom in motherhood. 

If you're ready to break free from the grip of shame and guilt and want personalised support in navigating your motherhood journey, I invite you to connect with me for 1:1 coaching. Together, we'll create a tailored plan to lighten your mental load, cultivate self-compassion, and empower you to embrace the joys of motherhood with resilience and authenticity.

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