Ep 19 | How to not shame your past self

In this episode, I talk about a conversation I’ve had with a lovely friend lately about the concept of survival mode, not shaming your past self and learning how to give yourself self-compassion. 

We've all been there – those moments in life when we're just trying to get by, whether it's after a sleepless night, a period of big change, or even dealing with grief. Survival mode can manifest in various ways, but it's something we all experience. 

This episode aims to help you understand the signs of survival mode and, most importantly, how to shower yourself with kindness and understanding for the choices you made during those tough times.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What survival mode might look like in different situations.

  • How to recognise perfectionism, and if you are doing everything you can to avoid feeling shame.  

  • The signs of survival mode, such as less communication or making less ideal nutritional choices. 

  • How to avoid shaming yourself for past decisions made in survival mode and instead, focus on embracing self-compassion.

  • What it looks like to allow yourself the space to be creative and make choices that serve you in the present moment.

Everyone has moments of survival mode throughout their lives, and it's okay to make choices based on where you are right now. It’s ok to feel all your feelings. 

So, grab some headphones and tune in as I talk about how to let go of past shame, embrace self-compassion, and move forward in deciding how you want your life to look. You won't want to miss this love note to your past self!

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