Ep 14 | The Ripple Effect

Have you ever thought about what kind of ripple effect are you currently having?

Or what kind of ripple effect do you want to have?

In this episode, I discuss the idea of mothers being the central cog of the family. We get to set the example we want for our family.  

I dive straight into the idea of your mindset being so important not for just yourself, but for your family too. 

A positive shift in your thinking as a mother can bring joy and positivity not just to your own life, to those around you as well. 

The ripple effect is always in place, whether we actively choose a path or not.

But by becoming aware of its power, we can consciously shape it in a way that aligns with our values. It's about starting small and picking one thing at a time, such as your morning routine or interactions in your work meetings.


In this episode, you will learn 

  • What it looks like when we start to consciously decide what our ripple looks like, and how it will guide us on how we're going to show up in our days. 
  • Why it is so important to ask for, and accept help. 
  • What it looks like to build a support system and how that can make such a significant difference in managing stress and finding balance. 
  • How you can work on your own mindset, thoughts and emotions to create a ripple effect of positivity and growth for yourself and your family.


The good news is that it's never too late to start making a change. You can start small and get support along the way. 

P.S.  That’s where A Mother's Mind comes in. I offer a community of mothers dedicated to supporting and empowering each other through shared experiences and actionable steps towards personal development. Check out my A Mother’s Mind Membership - HERE


Happy listening! 


Featured on this episode


  • Check out the amazing Brene Brown and her work HERE

  • Check out Linsdey’s Instagram HERE

  • Check out Brooke Castillo’s Life Coach School - Self-Coaching Model  HERE

  • Check out my Website HERE

  • Connect on Instagram HERE

  • Check out my mindset journal HERE