Ep 12 | 5 thoughts stopping you from getting support with your mental load

In this episode, I explore the 5 common thought patterns holding you back from getting help, and how to shift them.

I understand how challenging it can be to navigate the demands of work, family, and daily life while still feeling overwhelmed and unsupported. 

That's why I am here to offer you some insightful tips and strategies that will help you overcome those internal barriers and take action towards a lighter, more manageable mental load.

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How to recognise 5 common thought patterns holding you back from seeking support with your mental load, and how to shift them into a more positive mindset.

  • What the benefits of investing in support are and how it leads to a more present and joyful life.

  • How to prioritise yourself, build better communication within your household, and get the teamwork you need to share the load.

  • What it looks like to filter the mental loads that are already present.

  • How to overcome the feeling of having a brain that's at capacity for taking on anything new and empower yourself to take control of your mental load like a boss!

Happy listening!

Featured on the episode:

Check out my A Mother’s Mind Membership - HERE

Check out my mindset journal HERE

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Check out Dr Carol Dweck’s work on the Growth Mindset HERE