Ep 9 | The power of a full stop.

Get ready to be empowered! This episode is about the power of trusting yourself, setting boundaries, and making your own decisions.

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How self-trust can play out in our lives and why we might find ourselves needing approval from others before making choices, or taking actions. 

  • How to stop relying on external validation and start believing in yourself and your decisions. 

  • What you can do to let go of responsibility for other people's emotions and start believing in your ability to make choices that work for you.

 See,  when we doubt our own abilities, it can really weigh on our mental load. But once we start making confident and clear decisions, we can reclaim valuable time for activities that make us happy.

Believing in yourself, having compassion for yourself and trusting your decisions is key when it comes to boundaries and decision making.

Join me and explore the power of the full stop!


Featured on the episode: 

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