Ep 8 | Finding the fun in creating a life that you love

This episode is all about enjoying motherhood with ease and finding the fun in creating the life that you love. 

It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and stressors of motherhood, leaving little time or energy for pursuing things you actually love or that reignite your little pre-motherhood spark. 

The truth is, thinking that leads to ignoring our own needs can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and a sense of feeling stuck or unfulfilled. But there are steps we can take towards finding fulfilment as mums.

In this episode you will learn: 

  • How our thoughts create our feelings, which directly influence our actions and experiences.
  • How negative thought patterns like self-doubt, comparison, and overwhelm can hold us back from enjoying motherhood.
  • How to get clear and identify what you truly want out of motherhood, to be able to focus your energy on creating those experiences.
  • What it looks like to shift your thinking to one full of curiosity and openness to make creating the life you love a fun adventure rather than something scary or overwhelming.


With these tools at hand, you'll be able to find the fun in creating a life that you love as a mum.


 Featured on the episode: 

Check out Brooke Castillo’s Life Coach School - Self-Coaching Model  HERE

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