Ep 5 | Understanding your mental load

Do you ever feel like there is too much on your plate?

As a mother, you are constantly juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities. You are expected to manage home life, parenting duties, work commitments and family needs all at once.  All of these things accumulate into what is referred to as a heavy mental load.


Having a heavy mental load can be overwhelming, lead to stress and fatigue as you try to balance it all. It’s easy to feel like no matter how hard you try, there is never enough time in the day or energy left for yourself. 


It’s time to take an intentional breath, and pause to understand your current mental load and mindset. You will feel lighter, and increase clarity in areas where overwhelm has been present. 


In this episode, you will learn: 

  • What the mental load actually encompasses
  • How important it is to understand and manage your mental load
  • What it looks & feels like when you have a lightened mental load
  • What strategies you can use to manage your mental load to balance and prioritise tasks
  • How to lighten your mental load to have more energy and mental capacity
  • How my A Mother’s Mind Membership is changing the reality of mothers everyday lives through addressing their mental load & mindset 

Listen now for the episode I am so incredibly passionate about…. managing your mental load in motherhood. 


Featured on the episode:  

Check out my A Mother’s Mind Membership - HERE

Check out my mindset journal HERE

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