Ep 4 | How to simplify your life

If you dream of a simple life, yet the reality of your actual daily life is far from it, this episode is for you!

Perfectionist thinking often convinces us that in order for something to be worthy or satisfying, it needs to be complicated and hard. We can inadvertently overcomplicate things and make every project feel like an uphill battle that must be earned.  

In this episode, I focus on how I aligned my value of simplicity with my everyday reality and practically what that continues to look like. Moving away from rush, inundation and overwhelm, towards finding the ease and joy in simplifying.


In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How simplicity in thinking, business and motherhood can help you achieve a daily reality that feels good for you.
  • How to uncover the story in your brain that is causing overwhelm and rush and to recognise patterns of overthinking and stress.
  • What it looks like to rewire that story to find satisfaction in simplicity.
  • Why it is important to bridge the gap between longing to live with simplicity and making it your reality. 


Tune in now for tips on how you can shift away from patterns that lead to overwhelm and rush, so you can live a simpler life!


Featured on the episode: 

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Check out MB Business Solutions (My VA) HERE

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