Ep 57 | What’s possible for others is possible for you

In this episode, I talk about the idea that what you often see as achievable for others is also attainable for you, despite the doubts and limiting beliefs you may hold. It is a gentle nudge to help you shift that perspective.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • What steps you can take to start seeing the possibilities in your life.
  • How to overcome mental barriers to embrace the potential for change and growth
  • How to shift your perspective of seeing what others have, not as reminders of what you lack but as inspiration of what's also possible for you.
  • How this realisation can lead to a newfound confidence and enjoyment in motherhood.

Want more?

  • If you are thinking, I just don’t even know how I would start or it feels like too much of an effort to start or I don’t have time or I am overloaded, reach out to me and I can help you take the first (and multiple next) steps.
  • If you need a little pep talk, click here. These are an absolutely favourite in my membership!
  • Keen to hear more about my Membership relaunching soon? This is for you

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